A fleeting love

For discovery and Wendat culture in the wilderness

Our unusual tourist accommodation provide families and couples with a unique experience with its Wendat design and artisanal activities. Very close to all the attractions of the Parc des Appalaches, everything is done to avoid boredom, to get out of your comfort zone and to allow you to experience exceptional moments.

What is this?

Design Wendat

The villages included longhouses that were located near a river and farmland. The location changed every 10-12 years on average depending on the condition of the soil and firewood. These longhouses could accommodate 4 to 12 households.

During your stay, you will have the chance to discover multitudes of works by Wendake artisans. Sculputes, dream catchers, jewelry, beading, knitting, moose hair embroidery and more!

Our longhouses and teepees are also located close to many activities like hiking. We will have workshops and activities organized for you on site (by reservation).